NetPlus® Recycled Fishing Nets
Old, frayed and torn fishing nets are discarded partly because of a lack of end-of-life solutions. Bureo®, a company based in California, is trying to fix this and to provide a responsible alternative to virgin plastics by working directly with fishing communities in South America.
상품 12개
Don’t waste it. Wear it. NetPlus®
With NetPlus, we’re turning one of the most harmful forms of plastic pollution into something you can wear again and again.
Clean Up
Patagonia's partner Bureo collects and transforms these nets from local fishers off the coast of South America and repurposes them into NetPlus® material. This process helps protect wildlife, provide fishing communities with extra income and reduce reliance on fossil fuels used to make plastic.

파타고니아 벤드
우리는 2003년 5월에 오픈한 현지 소유의 Patagonia 파트너 매장입니다. 오랫동안 Bend 지역 주민들 중 일부는 처음 몇 년 동안 이 매장이 Pandora's Backpack으로 명명되었다는 것을 기억할 것입니다. 2006년에는 국내 최초의 독립 파타고니아 매장 중 하나로 변신했습니다.
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